Sunday, July 25, 2004

Class Of 1990

BIOLOGY PAPER III S.P.M (Self Punishment Method)

[1,000,000-00 >A.D]
Filum : Zargus
Colony: Polyunsaturatedice-cream

History :

A stupid and boring microorganism that lives one million years ago before A.D. Extinction believes to be cause by it's own self boredom that led to the nationwide colony suicide. This creature or microorganism is so stupid that it doesn't know if it's time to feed itself. On another level, it is also not able to use the bathroom like normal species of microorganism. Hence it also stinks for not taking any showers.
This is also the cause of other species to avoid it, and therefore it doesn't have any friend from other species and even from it's own. Although it's named or called 'cicak laut', this creature doesn't know how to swim (Reason: stupid, of course). For this reason it is also named (called) 'Go-bloxiusrattus', or in Malay 'Cicak yang Gobloq'.
The only thing this pitiful and bloodyful creature knows, loves and able to do is sing one song, 'Bazooka Penaka' from the group Wings. But not for long ,it gets bored by itself for singing out of tune and forgetting the lyrics.

So in Jonowari(now, January) 2020 < A.D, the Psaikokineticthang colony decided to end their miserable life forever by jumping off from the cliff of Mount Hibahibaanggre and plunged into the sea of Yipeekaramba. And so they did, drown for not knowing how to swim . Anyway that is what they wanted, to die.

The moral of this story is 'Don't be a stupid and boring creature (person or whatever) or in Malay 'Jangan Jadi Goblok!!'...

Mosh-28th November 1996.
This is what I get for learning Biology for 5 fuckin' years.
 Posted by Hello


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